
Chino McGregor - “Chino” [VP Records]

Chino, il figlio del leggendario Freddie McGregor e fratello del super-produttore Stephen 'DiGenius' McGregor, il 24 Maggio 2011 ha fatto uscire il suo primo album intitolato “Chino”.
Il disco e' stato prodotto e (scritto in collaborazione con) da Stephen, Mavado e Sean Paul. Il breakthrough artist, ventisettene, assieme al fratello in questi ultimi anni ha ridefinito gli schemi della dancehall music.
Vi consigliamo la gia conosciutissima “Never Change” (From Mawnin), “Protected” ft. DiGenius, “Pon Your Head”, “Leaving” (Seal The Link) e “Ruff It Up”. Buon Ascolto!

Chino, the son of the legendary Freddie McGregor and brother of the great producer Stephen 'DiGenius' McGregor, has released, on the past 24th of May, his first album, “Chino”. The album has been produced and co-written by Stephen, Mavado and Sean Paul. The breakthrough artist, age 27, along with his brother, has redefined dancehall music.
We recommend the well known “Never Change” (From Mawnin), “Protected” ft. DiGenius, “Pon Your Head”, “Leaving” (Seal The Link) and “Ruff It Up”. Enjoy!