Dj Kenny – Khago - “Blood A Boil Mixtape”
Khago, nuovo artist dell scena giamaicana, gia famoso per le super hits “Cyaan Cool”, ”“Nah Sell Out” e “Nah Sell Out Pt.II”, ha fatto uscire un mixtape intitolato “Blood A Boil Mixtape” in free download sulla rete. Il disco arrangiato e mixato dal grande DJ Kenny contiene produzioni di Seanizzle, DJ Frass e Russian. L'artista ha dichiarato di non essere solo un artista dancehall, ma grazie a questo mixtape ha dimostrato di saper cantare big tunes anche su riddim one-drop. Oltre ad essere sul web in free download, Khago ha fatto stampare anche 5000 copie del mixtape da distribuire alla gente. Quest'estate Khago sara in tour in Canada e in Inghilterra. Nah miss it!
Khago, new upcoming artist from Jamaica, already famous for his super-hits “Cyaan Cool”, ”“Nah Sell Out” and “Nah Sell Out Pt.II”, has just released a mixtape in free download, “Blood A Boil Mixtape”. The disc mixed by the terrific DJ Kenny includes many productions of Seanizzle, DJ Frass and Russian. The artist has declared of not been only a dancehall artist, but with this mixtape he has demonstrated his ability of singing great lyrics, also on one-drop riddims. Khago not only has put his mixtape in free download on the net, but has also printed 5000 copies of it for distribution. This summer the artist will tour Canada and England. Nah miss it!